Wednesday, February 29, 2012

My Battle Cry

I have finally found my battle cry. Philippians 4:13 "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!"

This is awesome! I really needed this one, lately I've been struggling with my eating behaviors and eating plan. I've been obsessing over food and fitness to the point of going totally whacko and feeling overwhelmed. What I was missing the whole time was that I need to put God first, then my recovery and my abstinence. This has to be the order in which I live my life! When I start to seek answers in diets and fitness plans to lose unnecessary weight, I start to lose my connection with my life source: my Lord. I need to always be connected to my life source because when I start to veer to far away then I feel totally lost and imbalanced. So now that I have been thankfully reminded that my Higher Power and Abstinence need to come first, and that I need to stop obsessing with all these stupid diets and fitness plans, I need to reconnect with what my abstinence really is. For me, I know that my body does not handle processed foods and sugars very well, and also refined carbs and basically "white foods" and "white carbs" these foods do not help me in any way, and I am very senstive to them.

Lately I've been trying all these crazy diets that allow me to eat all the sugar I want to as long as I burn some calories before... what a joke! I feel like a sugar addict again, and this has been happening slowly but surely since the holidays. I really need to get myself back on track and remember what my days were like before I reconnected with my sweet tooth...
I started my day with lemon water, sometimes a grapefruit, sometimes an omelette with lots of coconut oil, or other days a banana/protein/coconut smoothe.
I would have a snack of apple or sometimes just wait till lunch.
Lunch would be something I made like salmon salad with veggies, or a spinach salad with protein like eggs.
I would have a snack sometimes of apple or just wait till dinner.
Dinner would be either sweet potatoes, veggies and pesto and some nuts, or a protein/veggie/fat meal.
I would feel good, why did I start having sweets again?

well I think I was overtraining, was sad because I stopped running as much, and feeling like I needed something extra to eat but instead of eating more good food like protein I was practicing my old disease habits of turning to sweet treats. I don't need sweets! I want to stop wanting sweets.

Dear God,

Please grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change
The courage to change the things I can
And the wisdom to know the difference...

Please help feed myself natural foods taht are not processed after this week of eating less than optimal food choices. Please help me to stop wanting sweets and processed foods. Help me to remember that I do not really want these foods and have an abundant diet to choose from of proteins, veggies, fats, nuts, fruits, and flavor! I will never be deprived if I just eat real food that you created.

Thank you for my life, amen.

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